Hope of the Resurrection

Devotional Thought:

Just as the disciples and followers of Jesus in the days of the first Easter experienced moments of fear, doubt, and ultimately, profound transformation through their encounters with the resurrected Jesus, we too are invited into a journey of examining the evidence of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. This journey demands honesty about our doubts, openness to the evidence of His love and sacrifice, and the willingness to invite Him into our lives fully. In doing so, we find that Jesus is not only the source of hope in the midst of our darkest despair but is also actively walking beside us, offering peace and a sense of belonging that transforms us from the inside out.



1. In the sermon, Pastor Dave references the disciples' initial fear and confusion following Jesus' death. How do you cope with feelings of fear or confusion in your faith journey?

2. Thomas had doubts about Jesus' resurrection until he could see and touch Jesus’ wounds. Have you ever experienced doubt in your faith? How did you move past it?

3. Pastor Dave emphasizes the importance of examining the evidence concerning Jesus. What "evidence" have you encountered in your life that affirms your faith?

4. How has an encounter with Jesus changed the way you view pain and challenges in your life?

5. Reflect on a time when you, like the disciples, needed peace. How did you find it, and in hindsight, do you see ways that Jesus was offering it to you even if you didn’t realize it at the time?

6. Discuss the concept of Jesus walking beside us in our pain. Can you think of a moment in your life that felt particularly challenging, yet in looking back, you can see where Jesus was present?

7. Pastor Dave shared the story of the road to Emmaus. How does the idea that Jesus might be walking alongside us without our immediate recognition affect your perception of everyday life and the people you encounter?

8. Consider the moment of recognition in Emmaus when Jesus broke the bread. Have there been any ‘Emmaus moments’ in your life, moments of sudden, deep recognition of Jesus’ presence or work?

9. In the sermon, it’s clear that witnessing or experiencing Jesus’ transformative presence often compels us to share the news with others. Can you share a time when you felt compelled to share a moment of realization or transformation in your faith with someone else?

10. The sermon concludes with a focus on hope. How does the hope of the resurrection influence your approach to challenges, grief, or fear today?


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