Receive Prayer I Decided To Follow Jesus Tune In Live 'NOW' Series Yes & Amen Pastor Jeff Vines 11.24.2019 About this Message We're all spending our life here on Earth trying to cope with our impending death. However there are different ways we cope. In week 8 of our NOW series, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches us the one way to cope with death that will leave you saying Yes & Amen. WELCOME HOME | ONE&ALL Online Facebook group ONE&ALL Online community in Discord Tune in LIVE to ONE&ALL Online this weekend Connect with us on Instagram Jeff | @jeffvines Aaron | @aaronpmag79 ONE&ALL | ONE&ALL Worship | @oneandallworship Download SHARE Audio Podcasts Apple Podcast Google Podcasts Spotify rss/libsyn Video Messages Youtube Channel Connect With Us Discord Facebook Group Instagram - Jeff Instagram - Worship Instagram - ONE&ALL