
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

Go All In (Part 1) | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 5)

What does it mean to go all in for Jesus? It means realizing that everything we have is His and to be used for His glory. In week 5 of our sermon series Pursuing Jesus, Pastor Jeff Vines challenges us to be generous with our resources for the Kingdom of God and to realize that a heart transformed by Jesus is one of generosity!

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Go All In (Part 1) | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 5)" on Spreaker.

Make A Difference | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 4)

How are you making a difference in this world? In week 4 of our sermon series Pursuing Jesus, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches that we are to make a difference in this world by loving and serving others. Through the Parable of the Good Samaritan we see the posture in which we are to serve one another and love our neighbor, no matter who they are.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Make A Difference | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

Grow Together | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 3)

In order to fully pursue Jesus we must grow together as the united body of Christ! In week 3 of our sermon series Pursuing Jesus, Pastor Jeff Vines shows us 4 ways that the early church demonstrated their unity and fellowship with other believers.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Grow Together | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Know God | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 2)

In week 2 of our sermon series Pursuing Jesus, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches how we can KNOW GOD. In order to know God we must position ourselves to hear the voice of God. Watch this message to find out the 4 ways in which God speaks to us so that you can know Him more!

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Know God | Jeff Vines | Pursuing Jesus (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

Why Jesus? | Steve Meharg | Pursuing Jesus (Week 1)

In week 1 of our sermon series Pursuing Jesus, Pastor Steve Meharg shows us 3 ways that the Kingdom of God is different from how we expect. Jesus gives us exactly what we need even though it may not come as we expect.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Why Jesus? | Steve Meharg | Pursuing Jesus (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

The Self Made Secret | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 4)

In week 4 of our sermon series Hustled, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches through the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4. Why did the Lord look at Abel’s offering with favor and Cain’s offering with anger? Watch this message to find out why and how this applies to the idea of being a “self-made” man.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "The Self Made Secret | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

Learning to Lead | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 3)

Learn to lead in week 3 of our sermon series Hustled. Pastor Jeff Vines brings a powerful message challenging men to fully step into the role of leadership in their homes. With Jesus as our example, men can lead, love and serve their families just as Christ did for the Church.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Learning to Lead | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Wired to Work | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 2)

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

Discuss this episode with other listeners from around the world http://bit.ly/oneandalldiscussion

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Listen to "Wired to Work | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

Do I Even Matter? | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 1)

Men, have you ever asked yourself the question, “Do I even matter?” In week 1 of our sermon series Hustled, Pastor Jeff Vines reminds us of our true worth in Christ Jesus. Since the Creator of the universe gave His life for you, how much do you think He loves and adores you?

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

Discuss this episode with other listeners from around the world http://bit.ly/oneandalldiscussion

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Listen to "Do I Even Matter? | Jeff Vines | Hustled (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Going for Gold In Life | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 4)

The 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo are upon us and every country has victory on the mind. We all want the gold medal and losing is devastating but there is something worse than losing. In this message Pastor Steve Meharg takes us through a passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians that speaks to what’s worse than losing and how to overcome to win the prize Jesus has set before us!

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

Discuss this episode with other listeners from around the world http://bit.ly/oneandalldiscussion

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Listen to "Going for Gold In Life | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 4)" on Spreaker.