
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

Going for Gold In Life | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 4)

The 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo are upon us and every country has victory on the mind. We all want the gold medal and losing is devastating but there is something worse than losing. In this message Pastor Steve Meharg takes us through a passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians that speaks to what’s worse than losing and how to overcome to win the prize Jesus has set before us!

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Listen to "Going for Gold In Life | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

You Are Gifted | Jeff Vines | Love In Action (Week 3)

You are gifted! In week 3 of our sermon series Love in Action, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches how God has given each one of us a gifting through the Holy Spirit. God wants to use these gifts through us to change the world around us for the better. Watch this message to find out more about the gifts of the Spirit and determine which gifting the Lord has given you!

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Listen to "You Are Gifted | Jeff Vines | Love In Action (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Serve Your Circle | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 2)

A great way to spread the love of Jesus is to SERVE YOUR CIRCLE! In week 2 of our sermon series Love in Action, Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that we are Christ’s ambassadors and we represent Him wherever we go. That means you have an opportunity every day to serve and love your family, friends, and community!

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Serve Your Circle | Steve Meharg | Love In Action (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

The Power of Community | Rory Eldridge | Love In Action (Week 1)

In week 1 of our sermon series Love in Action, Pastor Rory Eldridge teaches about the power of community. Being in community allows us to practice our faith by loving one another the way that Christ has loved us!

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "The Power of Community | Rory Eldridge | Love In Action (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Trust Issues | Learn to Trust Again After Broken Promises | Mike Breaux

Got trust issues with God? In this message from Pastor Mike Breaux we learn how God is trustworthy and faithful. Through the story of Abraham we see that God ALWAYS keeps His promises even in the most unlikely situations.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Trust Issues | Learn to Trust Again After Broken Promises | Mike Breaux" on Spreaker.

"Soul" At the Movies (Week 4) | Purpose Over Passion | Jeff Vines

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to ""Soul" At the Movies (Week 4) | Purpose Over Passion | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

"42" At the Movies (Week 3) | You Need A Champion | Jeff Vines

You need a champion! In week 3 of our sermon series At The Movies, Pastor Jeff Vines looks at the movie “42” and the life of Jackie Robinson. Just like Jackie championed the cause for his people, Jesus, the ultimate champion, fought for the greatest cause of all time — the salvation of the world.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to ""42" At the Movies (Week 3) | You Need A Champion | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

“Toy Story 4” At the Movies (Week 2) | Who Am I? | Steve Meharg

Who am I? In week 2 of our sermon series At The Movies, Pastor Steve Meharg teaches that sometimes we can be like the character Forky from Toy Story 4 — confused about our identity. Just like Woody reminded Forky that he is a beloved toy and not trash, this message will reminds us that we are a new creation in Christ Jesus and made in the mage of God.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "“Toy Story 4” At the Movies (Week 2) | Who Am I? | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

“The Mandalorian” At the Movies (Week 1) | This is the Way | Jeff Vines

This is the Way and the Way is narrow. In week 1 of our sermon series At The Movies, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches how the TV series “The Mandalorian” reflects the gospel message. Just like the Mandalorians, Christ followers also have a creed of self-sacrifice, honor, and following the Way.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "“The Mandalorian” At the Movies (Week 1) | This is the Way | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

The Secret to Your Life | Jeff Vines | ICYMI (Week 5)

In week 5 of our sermon series ICYMI, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches that Proverbs 9:10 is the secret to your life. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and ultimately the beginning of true peace we all long for.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "The Secret to Your Life | Jeff Vines | ICYMI (Week 5)" on Spreaker.