
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

Is Pessimism Okay? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 4)

Have you considered the value of both pessimism and optimism? In week 4 of our series, Don't Panic, Pastor Jeff Vines concludes the series by answering the question, Is pessimism okay?

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Listen to "Is Pessimism Okay? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

What is the Mark of the Beast? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 3)

In week 3 of our sermon series, Don't Panic, Pastor Jeff Vines takes us through Revelation 13 to help us better understand what is the mark of the beast. He then answers the question, what are we to do?

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "What is the Mark of the Beast? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Fight For Your Life. | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 2)

How do you respond when times get tough? In week 2 of our sermon series, Don't Panic, Pastor Jeff Vines shows us how we can fight for our lives in our daily life through patient endurance.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Fight For Your Life. | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

God's Got Your Back, Do You Have His? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 1)

What do you do when things go wrong in life? In week 1 of our sermon series Don't Panic, Pastor Jeff Vines goes through Revelation 13 and points to how God's Got Your Back. And then asks, Do You Have His?

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Listen to "God's Got Your Back, Do You Have His? | Jeff Vines | Don't Panic (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Generosity Breeds Blessing | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 5)

In week 5 of our sermon series, This is ONE&ALL, Pastor Jeff Vines concludes the series with Luke 7:36-47. He shows us how Generosity Breeds Blessing and takes us through four practical points to help guide us.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Generosity Breeds Blessing | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 5)" on Spreaker.

Winning the War | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 4)

In week 4 of our sermon series, This is ONE&ALL, Pastor Jeff Vines goes through Mark 10 to help us better understand the difference between winning the battle and Winning the War.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Winning the War | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

Our Calling | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 3)

In week 3 of our sermon series, This is ONE&ALL, Pastor Jeff Vines uses three theological truths to help us understand our calling.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Our Calling | Jeff Vines | This is ONE&ALL (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Our Mission | Dave Stone | This is ONE&ALL (Week 2)

In week 2 of our series This is ONE&ALL, Pastor Dave Stone reminds us of Our Mission as both a church and as individuals.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Our Mission | Dave Stone | This is ONE&ALL (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

Who We Are | Jeff Vines | This Is ONE&ALL (Week 1)

In week 1 of our series This is ONE&ALL, Pastor Jeff Vines go through John 14:6-7 to remind us Who We Are as a church.

Did you decide to follow Jesus? Text "JESUS" to 55525 or visit https://oneandall.church/jesus

Discuss this episode with other listeners from around the world http://bit.ly/oneandalldiscussion

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Listen to "Who We Are | Jeff Vines | This Is ONE&ALL (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Christmas Weekend | Jeff Vines

What do you really want in 2022? In our Christmas Weekend service, and the conclusion of our Christmas series, O Night Divine, Pastor Jeff Vines takes us through Luke 2:8-14 to answer this question.

Listen to "Christmas Weekend | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.