
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

Overcoming Coronavirus Crisis Anxiety

The uncertainty of the Coronavirus is causing many people anxiety. In week 4 of our series The Cross Before Me, Pastor Steve Meharg shows us how the cross overcomes our anxiety. If you’re struggling with anxiety in this season or any season, Jesus’ act on the cross provides the way for you to overcome.

Listen to "Overcoming Coronavirus Crisis Anxiety" on Spreaker.

A Living Hope

The Coronavirus has us quarantined with no timeline for when it will end leaving some in a state of hopelessness. In week 3 of our series The Cross Before Me, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches us that the cross is a symbol of a living hope. This living hope takes our suffering and uncertainty and gives it purpose. No matter what you're going through, know that the cross provides us the ultimate hope!

Listen to "A Living Hope" on Spreaker.

Cure My Dis-ease

With the growing concern of the Coronavirus, the cross reminds us of the cure for our dis-ease. In week 2 of our series The Cross Before Me, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches us that Jesus’ death on the cross provides us with the cure to not just our physical needs, but our spiritual needs. If you’re looking for a cure to what you’re going through in life, look to the cross before you.


I decided to follow Jesus!

ONE&ALL Online Discord

Listen to "Cure My Dis-ease" on Spreaker.

Find Freedom

What if the cross could help you find freedom in life? Financial freedom, relational freedom, health freedom, addiction freedom. In week 1 of The Cross Before Me series, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches us that true freedom is found in the cross. If you want to find freedom, watch this message!


ONE&ALL Online Discord

ONE&ALL Online Facebook group

Connect with ONE&ALL on Instagram
Jeff | @jeffvines
Aaron | @aaronpmag79

Listen to "Find Freedom" on Spreaker.

Time to Eat

Guest speaker Dave Stone teaches us about the importance of sharing meals with people. There is something special that happens when we eat with someone, walls come down, bonds are formed and in some cases, lives are changed.


ONE&ALL Online Discord

ONE&ALL Online Facebook group

Connect with ONE&ALL on Instagram
Jeff | @jeffvines
Aaron | @aaronpmag79
ONE&ALL | @oneandallchurch
ONE&ALL Worship | @oneandallworship

Listen to "Time to Eat" on Spreaker.

Live to Give

In week 6 of our Powerhouse series we identify one of the top marriage killers, money. Pastor Jeff Vines talks about how we live to give and when we turn our finances over to God, miracles happen.


ONE&ALL Online Discord

ONE&ALL Online Facebook group

Connect with ONE&ALL on Instagram
Jeff | @jeffvines
Aaron | @aaronpmag79
ONE&ALL | @oneandallchurch
ONE&ALL Worship | @oneandallworship

Tune in LIVE ONE&ALL Online

Listen to "Live to Give" on Spreaker.

Let's Talk About Sex

In week 5 of our Powerhouse series let’s talk about sex. Pastor Jeff Vines teaches on the truth about sex, why it was created and what it was intended for.


ONE&ALL Online Discord

ONE&ALL Online Facebook group

Connect with ONE&ALL on Instagram
Jeff | @jeffvines
Aaron | @aaronpmag79
ONE&ALL | @oneandallchurch
ONE&ALL Worship | @oneandallworship

Tune in LIVE ONE&ALL Online this weekend

Listen to "Let's Talk About Sex" on Spreaker.

You’re Losing Your Marbles

In week 4 of our Powerhouse series we look at the power and influence we have over our kids. Pastor Rory Eldridge teaches us how to be intentional with our time and actions with our kids to help them grow up following Jesus!


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ONE&ALL Online community in Discord

Tune in LIVE to ONE&ALL Online this weekend

Connect with us on Instagram
Jeff | @jeffvines

Listen to "You’re Losing Your Marbles" on Spreaker.

Whose Kids Are They?

In week 3 of our Powerhouse series there is a misconception that children naturally gravitate towards what’s good. Pastor Steve Meharg teaches us how to have a new perspective when raising our children by asking the question, whose kids are they?


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ONE&ALL Online community in Discord

Tune in LIVE to ONE&ALL Online this weekend

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Listen to "Whose Kids Are They?" on Spreaker.

But I'm Single

In week 2 of our Powerhouse series there is a misconception that being single is lesser. There is a misconception that marriage and sex is the pinnacle of the Christian life. Pastor Jeff Vines is here to teach you that Christianity says you can live life to the fullest being single. God can use you to your fullest capacity as a single adult. If you’re single, this encouragement is for you!


ONE&ALL Online Facebook group

ONE&ALL Online

Listen to "But I'm Single" on Spreaker.