
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

Modern Myths | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 4)

In week 4 of our sermon series, Four God So Loved, Pastor Jeff Vines concludes the series with 2 Peter 1:16-21 to shed light on Modern Myths.

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Listen to "Modern Myths | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

Unshakeable | Standing Firm in Face of Anxiety | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 3)

Is there meaning in life? In week 3 of our sermon series, Four God So Loved, Pastor Jeff Vines answers this question as he goes through the book of Philippians to show us what it looks like to be Unshakeable.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Unshakeable | Standing Firm in Face of Anxiety | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

I Will Follow | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 2)

In week 2 of our sermon series, Four God So Loved, Pastor Jeff Vines takes us through the book of Ruth to demonstrate true love and followership in "I Will Follow."

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "I Will Follow | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

My Will Or Yours | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 1)

Whose will dictates your life? In week 1 of our sermon series, Four God So Loved, Pastor Jeff Vines goes through the book of Jonah to point out the difference between following God's will or our own in "My Will Or Yours."

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "My Will Or Yours | Jeff Vines | Four God So Loved (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

The Friends You Need. | Steve Meharg | Keep the Change (Week 4)

What is the true meaning of fellowship? In week 4 of our sermon series, Keep The Change, Pastor Steve Meharg answers this question and talks about the friends you need in your life.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "The Friends You Need. | Steve Meharg | Keep the Change (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

Doubt & Dead Ends | Rory Eldridge | Keep The Change (Week 3)

Why do we doubt? In week 3 of our sermon series, Keep The Change, Pastor Rory Eldridge talks about Doubt & Dead Ends.

Listen to "Doubt & Dead Ends | Rory Eldridge | Keep The Change (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

Break the Cycle of Failure | Steve Meharg | Keep The Change (Week 2)

Do you understand the true meaning of grace? In week 2 of our sermon series, Keep The Change, Pastor Steve Meharg walks us through the meaning of grace to help us Break the Cycle of Failure.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Break the Cycle of Failure | Steve Meharg | Keep The Change (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

Power to the People | Rory Eldridge | Keep The Change (Week 1)

What does it mean to be a church in the wild? In week 1 of our sermon series, Keep The Change, Pastor Rory Eldridge shows how God has given Power to the People.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Power to the People | Rory Eldridge | Keep The Change (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Worship & Prayer | Jeff Vines | The Power of One (Week 5)

In week 5 of our sermon series, The Power of One, Pastor Jeff Vines concludes the series by leading us through a time of worship and prayer.

Since this was a special service & this podcast was edited, we encourage you to watch the full service to experience & be part of what is going on within the church on our YouTube channel
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUMKeiJArw

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "Worship & Prayer | Jeff Vines | The Power of One (Week 5)" on Spreaker.

You Don't Seek God. | Jeff Vines | The Power of One (Week 4)

In week 4 of our sermon series, The Power of One, Pastor Jeff Vines takes us through the reality that we do not always seek after God.

Did you decide to follow Jesus after listening to this? Let us help you get started on your journey at https://oneandall.church/jesus

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Listen to "You Don't Seek God. | Jeff Vines | The Power of One (Week 4)" on Spreaker.