
Weekend Podcast

Weekend messages from ONE&ALL's teaching team!

But I Need That | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 4)

In week 4 of our sermon series Wild Life, Pastor Jeff Vines shares the 4th principle to understand in order to live the Wild Life. Just as the Lord stripped Gideon of all his earthly assurance of winning the battle against the Midianite army, the Lord will also strip us of anything that we put our hope in other than Him. The more empty we are of ourselves and our idols, the more filled we are with the power of the Holy Spirit which will ultimately lead us to the greatest victories of our lives!

Listen to "But I Need That | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 4)" on Spreaker.

That's Not for Me | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 3)

In week 3 of our sermon series Wild Life, Pastor Jeff Vines reminds us that the glory is always for God, not for us. Just like God used Gideon and the tiny Israelite army to defeat the Midianite warriors, God also wants to do the unimaginable in our lives so that we can reflect HIS glory.

Listen to "That's Not for Me | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 3)" on Spreaker.

You Want Me to Do What? | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 2)

Has your reaction to God’s calling ever been, “You want me to do what?” In week 2 of our sermon series Wild Life, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches that in order to live life to the full we must say “YES” to the hard things that God is calling us to do.

Listen to "You Want Me to Do What? | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 2)" on Spreaker.

When In Difficulty | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 1)

In week 1 of our sermon series Wild Life, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches on how we can live a wild life even when in difficult situations. We all go through hard times, but it is how we respond to those situations that will make our lives stand out and reflect God’s glory.

Listen to "When In Difficulty | Jeff Vines | Wild Life (Week 1)" on Spreaker.

Too Busy Not to Pray

In the 4th and final week of our sermon series Tagged, Pastor Rory Eldridge helps us see the importance of prayer by teaching through Colossians chapter 4. We are called to devote ourselves to prayer because prayer actually changes things, including us! The more time we spend in prayer the more like Jesus we become.

Listen to "Too Busy Not to Pray" on Spreaker.

Self Help Won't Help

Self help won’t help, but life with Jesus will! In week 3 of our sermon series Tagged, Pastor Steve Meharg shows us that true life is found when we are being conformed to the image of Christ. Some of us believe and understand Jesus, but never begin to live the life that He offers. Let’s not neglect this precious gift that Jesus has given us!

Listen to "Self Help Won't Help" on Spreaker.

Higher Thoughts

In week 2 of our sermon series Tagged, Pastor Jeff Vines teaches that even though this life will have its ups and downs, with Jesus we can have higher thoughts and live above our circumstances. When we see Jesus for who He truly is and what He has accomplished for us, we can live lives full of grace and peace. God looks at us through the light of everything Christ has done. Jesus is sufficient for everything we need!

Listen to "Higher Thoughts" on Spreaker.

Just Tell Me the Truth

In week 1 of our sermon series Tagged, Pastor Steve Meharg gives us a look at the true Jesus, stripped of all lies and false ideas we’ve tagged Him in. If we don't have the right picture of Jesus, we change His promises of grace, peace, and life. God wants us to experience all the gifts He has for us, but we must see Jesus as He truly is in order to fully receive them.

Listen to "Just Tell Me the Truth" on Spreaker.

Anxious for Nothing

How can we be anxious for nothing and experience the peace of God that surpasses understanding? In this message Pastor Rory Eldridge gives us 5 practices to receive this peace. Our God is so much bigger than all of our worries and He wants us to hand those worries over to Him.

Listen to "Anxious for Nothing" on Spreaker.

I Can See the End

In the 6th and final week of our sermon series Vivid, Pastor Jeff Vines gives us three keys to living against the flow. Just like Daniel, we are called to live lives of distinction from the world around us. As we end this series, we pray you’ve gained a vivid picture of how God sees the world and how He sees you.

Listen to "I Can See the End" on Spreaker.